As a member of the Sea Cadets you are expected to:

Regularly Attend Drill

Monthly drills are scheduled so cadets can train in a variety of skills and topics. Monthly drills allow cadets to gather as a Division to train, march, and build esprit de corps. Cadets are expected to attend 75% of the mandatory drills over the course of a calendar year. If a cadet cannot attend drill, they are expected to contact the Executive Officer with a reason as to why the cadet will not be present.

Maintain an Exercise Regimen

Physical fitness is a key component for every cadet as each cadet is tested regularly at drill against USNSCC published standards commonly referred to as the Physical Readiness Test (PRT). It is very important that cadets maintain their physical as passing the PRT with acceptable scores is a requirement for advancement and attending advanced trainings. Prepare yourself by having a good fitness routine. Click HERE to see Physical Readiness Test requirements.

Complete Coursework in Polaris

These courses are self-study online trainings that covers the basic knowledges required of the men and women of the U.S. Navy and Naval Reserve. It is organized into subject matter areas, each containing learning objectives to help you determine what you should learn along with text and illustrations to help you understand the information. The subject matter reflects day-to-day requirements and experiences of personnel in the rating or skill area.

In order to be promoted, cadets must complete the course work for the next rank. Cadet are highly encouraged to work ahead. Take advantage of time off during the summer and holidays to complete as many courses as possible.

Petty Officer 3rd Class, Petty Officer 2nd Class, and Petty Officer 1st Class ranks must also take an exam on the coursework after completed. Exams must be passed before the cadet is eligible for promotion.

League Cadet Coursework is not as extensive. However, cadets are required to take an exam after completing coursework for the selected rank.

Attend Advanced Trainings

A requirement of promotion in the Sea Cadets is attending Advanced Trainings held throughout the continental United States, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Guam. These trainings are generally held on military installations or group training facilities. Cadets are required to attend Recruit Training before they can attend other Advanced Trainings. Advanced Trainings are generally held during the summer and winter breaks. There are times when courses are offered as Virtual Advanced Trainings as well. Cadets participating in Virtual Advanced Trainings must first complete the Digital Wellness course. It is also highly recommended that cadets participating in Virtual Advanced Trainings have a computer, web camera, and adequate internet connectivity. Click HERE to see a list of Advanced Training categories. Navigate to the Resources page then click the Homeport Training List link to see a list of currently offered Advanced Trainings.

Set Goals and Achieve Them!!!

Cadets should set goals for themselves and work to achieve those goals. It is recommended to set short, mid, and long term goals. When a cadet achieves a goal they should celebrate and be recognized. But they should also quickly set and begin work on the next goal. Continually setting goals and achieving them makes you a better cadet, citizen, and person. Setting these goals are like placing the individual bricks that build a house. Short term goals (bricks) should build towards achieving mid term goals (walls) and long term goals (the house). Mid term goals (walls) should build towards achieving long term goals (the house).

Some examples of short term goals are:

  • Complete coursework

  • Running 3 times a week

  • Doing push ups and sit ups every day

  • Pass coursework test

  • Pass the PRT

  • Attend a specific Advanced Training

Some examples of mid term goals are:

  • Earn the Physical Fitness Ribbon by passing the PRT at the "GOOD" or "Excellent" level

  • Earn the Academic Achievement Ribbon by achieving A/B Honor Roll for the semester

  • Earn the Community Service Ribbon by performing 30 hours of community service

  • Earn the Recruiting Ribbon by recruiting a new cadet

  • Achieving the next rank

Some examples of long term goals are: