Drill Notification:

Drill notifications are sent out via email to an email group labeled "All Hands". Drill dates are set well in advance on the BR Division Sea Cadets Calendar. All new members are added to the All Hands group using the emails provided. If there is a separate email you wish to use send an email to one of the Division Officers. 

To receive notifications via text messages using Remind:

Plan of the Day (POD):

The POD provides cadets and officers with plan for the training day. Cadets should review the POD to determine reporting time and location, uniform worn, items to pack in their sea bag, and any other pertinent information. 

Click the link to view & print the current drill's POD.

Paying for Drill:

Drill fees are paid via Paypal or Venmo from link below.


Every drill cadets, officers, and participating auxiliary are required to respond to the Monthly Drill Headcount. The Headcount is used to plan for meals, sleeping accommodations, and transportation if needed. 

Fill out the Headcount Form and click the Submit button to submit your response for this month's drill.