So you are new to Sea Cadets and may be asking.......
You have turned in your enrollment documents and paid your enrollment fee. You are now a Seaman Recruit and don't know what to do next. What do you do now? Here is a list of things you will need to work on during your first 3 months as a recruit. They are explained in detail below.
Correspondence Coursework
Learn the 11 General Orders
Learn the Sea Cadet Oath
Learn the Sailor's Creed
Uniform Awareness
Military Courtesies
Physical Fitness
Recruit Training
Complete the Polaris E-1 PAC and E-2 PAC Courses
These courses are self-study online trainings that covers the basic knowledges required of the men and women of the U.S. Navy and Naval Reserve. It is organized into subject matter areas, each containing learning objectives to help you determine what you should learn along with text and illustrations to help you understand the information. The subject matter reflects day-to-day requirements and experiences of personnel in the rating or skill area.
These courses are available in Polaris once a cadet has fully registered and joined the Sea Cadets. Cadets access Polaris through QuarterDeck. Cadets MUST complete the E-1 PAC in order to attend Recruit Training. Cadets are highly encouraged to complete the E-2 PAC to be better acquainted with military practices. In completing this course, you will improve your military and professional knowledge. Completing the E-2 PAC is also a requirement for promotion to Seaman Apprentice Temporary (SA-T).
Begin Your Exercise Regimen
Physical fitness is a key component for every cadet as each cadet is tested regularly at drill against USNSCC published standards commonly referred to as the Physical Readiness Test (PRT). It is very important that cadets maintain their physical as passing the PRT with acceptable scores is a requirement for advancement and attending advanced trainings. Prepare yourself by having a good fitness routine. Below is a chart of the minimum physical fitness standards.
Learn the 11 General Orders of the Sentry
To take charge of this post and all Government property in view.
To walk my post in a military manner, keeping always alert and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing.
To report all violations of orders I am instructed to enforce.
To repeat all calls from posts more distant from the guardhouse than my own.
To quit my post only when properly relieved.
To receive, obey, and pass on to the sentry who relieves me all orders from the Commanding Officer, Command Duty Officer, Officer of the Deck, and Officers and Petty Officers of the watch only.
To talk to no one except in the line of duty.
To give the alarm in case of fire or disorder.
To call the Officer of the Deck in any case not covered by instructions.
To salute all officers and all colors and standards not cased.
To be especially watchful at night and during the time for challenging, to challenge all persons on or near my post, and to allow no one to pass without proper authority.
Oath of the Naval Sea Cadet Corps
“I promise to serve God, honor our Flag,
abide by the Naval Sea Cadet Corps regulations and carry out the orders of
the officers appointed over me,
and so conduct myself as to be a credit to myself,
my unit,
the Naval Sea Cadet Corps,
the Navy and my country.”
Sailor’s Creed
I Am A United States Sailor.
I Will Support And Defend
The Constitution Of The United States Of America
And I Will Obey The Orders Of Those Appointed Over Me.
I Represent The Fighting Spirit Of The Navy
And Those Who Have Gone Before Me To Defend Freedom And Democracy Around The World.
I Proudly Serve My Country's Navy Combat Team
With Honor, Courage And Commitment.
I Am Committed To
Excellence And The Fair Treatment Of All.
Learn about your uniforms
What items make up your uniform - Uniform Items
How to properly take care of your uniform - Uniform Standards
What other items do you need to complete your Sea Bag - Sea Bag List
Learn military courtesies
Military bearing
Last but not least
Schedule and plan to attend Recruit Training. All recruits are required to attend recruit training in order to advance. Recruit trainings are either held during the summer break or the winter holidays. For more information about dates, locations, and cost, contact our training officer.